Coming soon: LRPAD 0.4

Last week, we finished the LRPAD 0.4 release and we are waiting for Apple to publish it in App Store.
Meanwhile, you can (and should) update the Lightroom plugin to version 0.4.
Apart from the plugin side updates, there is also new features in the app itself.

The most useful is probably the ability to apply develop presets from the app:

LRPAD Preset view

In the screenshot, you can see the thumbnails for Lightroom Presets. The plugin ships with pre-rendered thumbnails for standard Lightroom Presets, but you actually you can also customize the thumbnails yourself!

There is a plugin at which allows you to apply lots of your own develop presets, and this can be used to create thumbnails for LRPAD.
There will be a step-by-step post in the Knobroom site later on, after the LRPAD 0.4 is available in store.

UPDATE: Apple approved 0.4 release on April 3rd. It is now live in store.

